Lean to be Green
Integrated Project Delivery is a new approach to project delivery that incorporates lean thinking and relational contracting to achieve significant improvement in value and sustainable performance.
In traditional transactional contracting methods like Design-Tender-Bid, Design-Build and Construction Management contractors are forced to compete on price. This low first cost method forces contractors, owners and designers into an ineffective and often confrontational business relationship that is wasteful, stressful and not effective at optimizing value.
The new lean project delivery system Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is based upon a relational contracting methodology. The IPD system enables the hiring the best team based upon qualifications and the ability to work together in a spirit of trust and collaboration to deliver the best value. For the same budget this approach will enable our industry to build better building and do our part to offset the 40% of greenhouse emissions that come from buildings. By eliminating 10% waste in the process it will be possible to build “Net 0 buildings for Net 0 additional capital cost.”
With experience on six IPD projects, Integrated Designs has been able to work with some excellent designers and contractors to deliver exceptional value projects. Some of these projects were started using traditional methods and needed to switch to IPD to save the project. Relational contracting is the key change required to enable lean thinking teams to create more value.
By adopting the IPD methodology, the University of Winnipeg will achieve what is expected to become “North America’s Most Energy Efficient College Laboratory Facility”. The amazing thing about this LEED Gold facility is that it will be delivered at a much lower cost and to a “True Fixed Price” with less risk. The construction contingency will be less than 2%.
It is our hope that the building industry will recognize the potential of IPD to eliminate waste in the project delivery process so that we can get on with the business of creating a real Green Building industry where Net 0 buildings become easily achievable and the best real estate investment.
Murray Guy
Integrated Designs
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