Tuesday, November 17, 2015

LEED Archive U of S Gets GOLD

College of Law gets GOLD

This project is truly remarkable in that the College of Law were totally committed to sustainability enabling them to raise the most capital of any U of S college.   Local law firms and donors rallied to support the sustainability features of the project that include a green roof and beautiful climate tolerant landscaping that contribute to the quality of the space.  The day lighting and views contribute to productivity and the finishes are durable as this facility was built to have minimal maintenance and built to last a long time!

By adopting a fully Integrated Design process our team was able to deliver a LEED Gold project. This was achieved by designing with passive solar principles to take advantage of natural lighting while managing solar heat gain with shading devices.  The energy efficient mechanical system is a passive design with displacement and natural ventilation, radiant heating and cooling that uses 55% less energy.  Other high lights include sustainable education on building features and an agreement between the college, designers and facilities to adopt sustainable expectation for temperature control.  Why would we spend additional capital for 10 days of shoulder season temperature fluctuations when we could open a window?

Sustainable Project Highlights
²  College of Law’s commitment to Sustainability and LEED
²  Celebrating First Nations Culture with the addition of Native Law
²  U of S First LEED Project … Gets Gold
²  Excellence in promoting the Green features of the building
²  Exceptional fund raising due to sustainable features

Technical Features
²  Green Roof and Climate Resilient Landscaping
²  Passive design including day lighting, natural and displacement ventilation
²  55% less energy including innovative high capacity radiant panels
²  Sustainable expectations for Thermal Comfort
²  Quality of space and durability of finishes

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