Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Okanagan College Double Down on NetZero

Trades Center Project

“A Second Living Building Challenge Project”

“As leaders in the community it is our duty to protect the planet and demonstrate that triple bottom-line economics work. For our second Living Building Challenge project our team adopted Lean Project Delivery to raise the bar even higher as we wanted to demonstrate that we can deliver high perform building deliver at less cost in less time.” Kathleen Lausman  

On our last project it took nearly a year of working to achieve Net 0 energy performance, for this project we adopted a lean commissioning approach (LeanCx) and are planning to be fully commissioned at substantial completion. We also are working hard to develop discipline with full implementation of the Last Planner System, make the best decisions with Choosing by Advantages (CBA) and have a Study Action Team (SAT) to help build a lean culture for Okanagan College and the Project Team.

²  Leadership in adopting Lean Project Delivery (LPD)
²  Discipline with full Implementation of Last Planner System
²  Building a lean culture utilizing LPD, CBA and SAT processes
²  Weekly and daily Collaboration in the BIG ROOM
²  Innovation in piloting Lean Commissioning to get done 6 months early

²  Leadership: Second Living Building Challenge Project
²  Education: Sustainable Construction Management Program
²  Innovation: Early verification of Net 0 energy through lean commissioning
²  Economics: Net 0 Energy at Net 0 Additional Cost

²  Community: Utilizing waste heat from district sewage system

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