Tuesday, December 8, 2015

10 megatrends shaping the future of green building | Building Design + Construction


Zero-net-energy buildings are become increasingly commonplace. A 2014 survey by the New Buildings Institute (NBI) identified more than 160 ZNEBs in the U.S., with an additional 53 low-energy buildings that were “net zero energy capable.”
If a project wants to be newsworthy, it needs to incorporate something NEW. Developers of speculative commercial buildings (and, in some places, new home developments) have begun to showcase ZNE designs to differentiate their projects. This trend has been developing slowly since about 2011 and now seems ready for takeoff.

10 megatrends shaping the future of green building | Building Design + Construction:

Visit Lean Lab to learn more about HOW to deliver Net Zero Buildings at very little if any additional cost

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