Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Create Great Stories with GREEN Technologies

Latest green technologies show an exciting future - Canadian Consulting Engineer:

On every new project WHY not try and create a new sustainable story that helps move the bar closer to achieving all new buildings Net 0 by 2020.   

It is important that these  Sustainable Stories make sense, utilize new ideas or concepts that have been proven and are economically viable.  When we have created enough sustainable success stories, Net 0 buildings will become the norm and  sustainable development main stream.

This blog has been added as one of these IDEAS just might help form the basis for your next sustainable success story.

Algae filled curtain walls 

Sola road - A bike path in Amsterdam with solar embedded Pv panels also heard

GlasPro - Bird Safe Glass .... Could save millionsx of birds lives.

Replex Net 0 Daylighting

6 Story wood building - MEC Vancouver

Stacking parking Garages - Eddy condominium

BioMason Bricks - Grow your own 

Air Pure Paints that EAT VOC's

Thank you Windmill for continuing to be a pioneer in making sustainable development mainstream



Want to learn how to build high performance Green Buildings at less cost visit the Lean Lab

'via Blog this'

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